
1 Introduction

Here we provide an overview of the features of the Next Release Tool.

2 Modeling Requirements

  • Goal Oriented Modeling: Next Release Tool supports a goal oriented modeling language to model the requirements. Requirements are modeled as goals and represented as nodes. Each goal can be refined into other goals as a transformation to a more concrete problem. A parent goal is satisfied when a refinement of it is satisfied. There are several features implemented to enable requirements analyst represent her preferences for the optimal solution.
    • Mandatory Goals: The analyst can mark some goals as mandatory to force the tool including these goals into the solution.
    • Goal reward: The analyst may assign rewards to the top level goals, that is, to the goals that are not refinements of any other goals. The analyst may use an absolute or relative values for the rewards of the goals.
    • Goal cost: The analyst may assign costs to the leaf goals, that is , to the goals that have no refinements. The analyst may use an absolute or relative values for the cost of goals.
    • Exclusion: The analyst may exclude some goals to be included in the same solution. In order to do so, she connects these goals to an exclusion node.
    • Precedence: Temporal constraints between goals are modeled through the precedence relation. If the implementation of a goal should precede the implementation of another goal, a precedence relation exists from the former to the latter.
    • Contribution relations: Contribution relations are used to determine the optimal solution. The tool has two contribution relations by default: cost-contribution and customer-contribution. These relations are used when the implementation of one goal has an effect on the implementation of another requirement. The analyst should state whether the affect is a desired (should be rewarded) or undesired (should be penalized) effect. If she has enough information, the analyst may also enter a numerical value to represent the intensity of the effect. The analyst may use an absolute or relative values for the intensity of the effect.

2.1 TODO Screen Cast to Demonstrate Modeling

3 Consistency Check

3.1 TODO Description in text

3.2 TODO Screen Cast

4 Optimization

4.1 TODO Explain optimization types

5 Reporting Results

5.1 TODO Explain

5.2 TODO Screen Cast

Author: Fatma Başak Aydemir

Created: 2015-07-30 Thu 18:34

Emacs 24.5.1 (Org mode 8.2.10)
